Lets Create
Lets Brand
1- define advantages and quality you your customers expect in their dreaming product or service
2- make the products or services trough defined quality
3- make an information structure to push your customer believe he has found his dream in your products.
4- repeat information in different ways, he never forget the name in which he find his dreaming products and services.
5- never stay for him to tell you what he needs for the next step. create the need and help him to blieve what you blieve.
6- help him in his growth as he find you on the top. Always on top.
The Name
Branding needs a name and some real advantages against competitors.
If there is a name which has some advantages against it's competitors, then lets start.
If not, lets think about what name? what job? what advantages?
If there are clear answers, then lets start and if not, we should study much more befor doing anything.
If you have the idea, you need emotions for executions.
Without emotion nothing works. Flow this emotion into the system which is ready for branding.
Emotions, bring peoples ideas! Peolples without ideas are worthless.
Now give people responsibility and support them to realize their immaginations.
Acknoledge them and look how your branding system works.
To Create a brand, you shall have an idea. Having a great idea needs a deep insight in human social needs and requests. To achieving a deep insight in human needs you should have information about human and societies. Having information needs research. A serious long long long research by a professional team. Then you will have just a good idea. How you want to occure and who can do that? Very difficult question!!!
A brand is a total solution in which, design, marketing, technology and management meet each other through a futures study process to create a long term business.
Glass of Water Theory
A successful Brand is a glass of water
It is clear and pure.
It is definable in a short clear statement. (H2O)
It comes from nature of the need.
It provides a permanent satisfaction.
It has a public taste.
It is flexible to transform into any imaginable form.
It is always accessible, but not cheap or free of charge.
A successful Brand is a glass of water
It is clear and pure.
It is definable in a short clear statement. (H2O)
It comes from nature of the need.
It provides a permanent satisfaction.
It has a public taste.
It is flexible to transform into any imaginable form.
It is always accessible, but not cheap or free of charge.
B. is a flow
Branding looks for common parts of mind flow in a society. There could be some tools to find these common parts and use them to provide people’s suitable services and products during inform them how these services and products are different from others. In this process they become sensitive about a name, a trade mark. If a society remember a name, when have a need, then we can say a brand has been created.
The way people think
When you create a brand, you are telling your customers how to think about what they need and what they do about what they want. This is the culture. This is pure design. Much more than graphic, architecture and product design, branding defines the shape of the world we live in.
Away to growth
A new brand is a new way in which people learn to look and think. A new brand is a new view port to the world around us. In this way, branding can not be copied by others. Branding is a unique process of social activities and behaviors which transfer the manner of business to a higher level.
How branding works
Branding is a social/informatics activity, done by a group of specialists, scientists and research peoples under a true leadership. The result is increasing the volume of social information, widening the view in which people know the world and decrease the distance between people and enclose their believes.
Branding is a social/informatics activity, done by a group of specialists, scientists and research peoples under a true leadership. The result is increasing the volume of social information, widening the view in which people know the world and decrease the distance between people and enclose their believes.
Fore Casting
The main part of Researchs we do in a branding project is futures studies. Without a drawing on future, the way peoples live in and the shape products will be, a branding project is a jock. Detail studies on technologies guide us to the future of products. And immagination, it is a fundamental rule to fore casting.
Branding without research?!
Branding is a customer based innovative process. Customers and their need are changing permanently. Who is our customer? The answer is not the same now and tomorrow. What he/she needs or wants? What he/she expects from us? These expectations are not just growing. They are changing and moving in different ways. Without a continues market research program, it is impossible to establish a strong branding system.
Defining a correct marketing strategy, understanding the competitor’s position, forecasting future technologies and owning fundamental information, all need regular and deep research on all imaginable sides of the business. All hidden points should be clear to create a real way to success.
Branding is a customer based innovative process. Customers and their need are changing permanently. Who is our customer? The answer is not the same now and tomorrow. What he/she needs or wants? What he/she expects from us? These expectations are not just growing. They are changing and moving in different ways. Without a continues market research program, it is impossible to establish a strong branding system.
Defining a correct marketing strategy, understanding the competitor’s position, forecasting future technologies and owning fundamental information, all need regular and deep research on all imaginable sides of the business. All hidden points should be clear to create a real way to success.
Branding through Leadership
For the first step, a branding story needs a system. In this system we define elements which help us to achieve branding goals. Elements like “peoples”, “standards”, “machineries”, “materials”, “technologies” and so on. In the system we should define the relation between elements and provide resources to achieve elements and manage the relations. Management is the keyword because everything shapes its correct form under a powerful management. Let’s call this powerful management as Leadership. Branding without leadership is an “Impossible Mission”
For the first step, a branding story needs a system. In this system we define elements which help us to achieve branding goals. Elements like “peoples”, “standards”, “machineries”, “materials”, “technologies” and so on. In the system we should define the relation between elements and provide resources to achieve elements and manage the relations. Management is the keyword because everything shapes its correct form under a powerful management. Let’s call this powerful management as Leadership. Branding without leadership is an “Impossible Mission”
Branding story
A brand begins with a claim and go on with planning, a mind map and actually a futuristic story about where will we go. This story – strangely – starts with its end: where we will be on the next year or decade? This place describes with different criterias:
- Market share
- Number of customers
- Customer’s Satisfaction
- Financial advantages
- …
Or a combination of these criteria’s. We know about the beginning of the story (now) and we have drawn the end. Let’s tell the story and create the process which moves it from start to the end. Like this:
1- We should redefine our customer’s need from X to Y
2- We need a higher quality from B to A
3- We will provide better services from A to Z
4- We change our competitive strategy from 1 to 2
5- Our customers need to know about all this. We provide them an advertisement package.
6- We invite specialists who help us produce better, faster and cheaper.
7- We make money. (X)$ in (T) time.
8- We return (Y)$ to the system as development investment for the next branding program.
A brand begins with a claim and go on with planning, a mind map and actually a futuristic story about where will we go. This story – strangely – starts with its end: where we will be on the next year or decade? This place describes with different criterias:
- Market share
- Number of customers
- Customer’s Satisfaction
- Financial advantages
- …
Or a combination of these criteria’s. We know about the beginning of the story (now) and we have drawn the end. Let’s tell the story and create the process which moves it from start to the end. Like this:
1- We should redefine our customer’s need from X to Y
2- We need a higher quality from B to A
3- We will provide better services from A to Z
4- We change our competitive strategy from 1 to 2
5- Our customers need to know about all this. We provide them an advertisement package.
6- We invite specialists who help us produce better, faster and cheaper.
7- We make money. (X)$ in (T) time.
8- We return (Y)$ to the system as development investment for the next branding program.
Brand development starts with a statement: This statement is the philosophy lies behind the company. An aim, a goal, something the company looks for, as a claim. A claim which will satisfy customers. A satisfaction which will provide eternal customers and a great business. Business is the last and the most important aim of branding.
Brand development starts with a statement: This statement is the philosophy lies behind the company. An aim, a goal, something the company looks for, as a claim. A claim which will satisfy customers. A satisfaction which will provide eternal customers and a great business. Business is the last and the most important aim of branding.
روزگار طراحي فرم
با مستطيل، دايره و بيضي شروع مي كنم و خيلي زود از آنها فاصله مي گيرم. تركيب فرمهاي بسيار خشن و بسيار نرم مرا بيشتر به خود جلب مي كنند. بعضي وقتها كه مي فهمم در طراحي اسير توانايي هاي نرم افزارهاي سه بعدي ساز شده ام بلافاصله به طراحي دستي بر مي گردم. در حركت متناوب بين طراحي دستي و كامپيوتري خيلي نكته ها باز مي شود. شروع كردن با كامپيوتر براي طراحي بدون شك غلط است. همينطور به انتها رساندن با دست. از اين كه روزگار طراحي فرم برايم آغاز شده است خوشحالم. دنياي سراميك و شيشه دنياي شگفتي است. همانقدر شخصي است كه حرفه اي و بازاري و همانقدر زيباست كه حساس و دشوار. همانقدر ساده است كه نيازمند درك جزئيات و همانقدر عميق است كه خلاصه و بي آلايش.
مجالي براي طراحي اصيل
اين روزها بيشترين مجال را براي طراحي فرمهاي اصيل، در طراحي محصولات سراميكي و طراحي مبلمان يافته ام. هر دو اين حيطه ها بر خلاف تفاوتهايي كه دارند در نقاط جالب توجهي مشتركند. طراحي آزاد و گسترده اي را فراهم مي كنند. مدل سازي دشوار و پر از جزئياتي دارند. زود نتيجه مي دهند و از نتيجه كار خودتان هم مي توانيد استفاده كنيد. در هر دو حيطه لذت بسيار نهفته است. فضاي هر دو، فضاي كودكي است.
كارگاه اصالت
در طراحي اصالت عنصر احترام نقش محوري دارد. وقتي به عناصر متضاد اجازه مي دهيم نقش مجاورت را براي هم بازي كنند به بودن همه آنها در كنار هم احترام گذاشته ايم. احترام به بودن عناصر متضاد در كنار يكديگر حكايت از موضع گيري "نمي دانم" دارد. اگر رجحاني براي يك موضع ممكن بود متصور شويم موضع ديگر قابل حذف بود. وقتي موضع هاي متضاد در كنار يكديگر مجال خود نمايي پيدا مي كنند طراح خود را از مقام قضاوت خلع يد نموده و تا حد شاهد بي طرف كناره مي گيرد. دنياي اصيل دنياي بدون قضاوتي است. فرم در بعد اصالتش خود را در معرض انتخاب مخاطب قرار مي دهد و به انتظار مي نشيند.
طراحي اصالت
تضاد تنها در همنشيني گذشته و حال شكل نمي گيرد. هر كجا بتوان مجموعه متناسبي از عناصر متضاد را گرد آورد شكلي از اصالت بوجود آمده است. هر چه كميت و كيفيت اين تضاد بيشتر باشد، فرايند طراحي موفقتر بوده است. كدام طراحي موفقتر از طبيعت سراغ داريم؟ آنجا گسترده ترين دامنه تضادها است. شايد به همين دليل است كه وقتي در طراحي به طبيعت رجوع مي كنيم احتمال دستيابي به موفقيت افزايش مي يابد. طراحي بيونيك دنباله روي صرف از راه حل هاي پيش پرداخته نيست، اصرار به حركت روي لبه اصالت است.